The Ghost House, Nottinghamshire

  Name and location: “Ghost House” Nottinghamshire Description: This stone hall is believed to have been built out of material stolen from Roche Abbey. Era: The current hall was built in 1848 by C. Challoner, a wine and timber merchant from Liverpool, while the back portion of the house which is owned by the Riddell … Read more

Lower Well Head Farm / Tynedale Farm

Description: Both these working farms built in the Pendle Hill area Era: It is thought that Lower Well Head Farm was built in the 1500’s, while the building at Tynedale Farm was probably built in approximately 1750 although there was a house on the site dating far earlier. History: – These two farms, along with … Read more

Golden Fleece, York

This is one of the oldest coaching inns in york and is mentioned in 1503. Before 1557 it be;longed to the Merchant Adventurers whose ancient hall is behind the Inn and access can be found in both Piccadilly and Fossgate. The adventurers were responsible for the woolen trade with York being the principle woolen centre … Read more

Prideaux Place

For over 400 years, Prideaux has been the home of the Prideaux-Burne family. The family’s origins date back to the 11th century; today’s Prideaux-Burnes are directly descended from William the Conqueror. Prideaux Place was completed in 1592 and has been enlarged and modified by successive generations. Today it combines the traditional E-shape of Elizabethan architecture … Read more

Somerleyton Hall

One of the premier stately homes in East Anglia, Somerleyton is an early Victorian mansion built upon the foundations of a 13th century house. That first manor was built by Sir Peter Fitzosbert in about 1240, though it later passed through marriage to the Jernegan family, who owned the estate until the early 17th century. … Read more

Dalston Hall

History taken from their website The Romans with their passion for organisation appear to have established a community at Carlisle around AD 120 (Luguvalliam). Some historians believed the area around Dalston Hall to have been used by the Romans. After the Romans left during the 5th Century came the Danish invasion of the North, and … Read more

Bodmin Moor Gaol

Bodmin Gaol, the former County Prison, was built in 1777 and replaced the old Debtor’s Prison (now the Hole-In-The-Wall Public House). The Prison was rebuilt in the 1840s and again in the 1850s each time increasing in size as the population grew. A grand total of 55 hangings took place of which 51 were public … Read more