Most Haunted Plas Y Dduallt

Plas y Dduallt

Plas y Dduallt is steeped in history and folklore. Literally translated it means the “house on the black hillside”. The estate agent said the name was taken from the dark-coloured rock nearby. A local historian has ascribed a more sinister meaning to “black” whereby people would not willingly cross this land unless they had to and certainly not after dark!

For several hundred years the house was home to the Llwyds (Lloyds) who were direct descendants of Llywelyn the Great.

Plas y Dduallt is one of the oldest inhabited houses in Wales dating back to the 15th century. Set high up in the Snowdonia National Park this spectacular grade II listed building borders the Ffestiniog Mountain Railway and the Maentwrog Nature Reserve.

First Broadcast : 25th March 2008

4 thoughts on “Most Haunted Plas Y Dduallt”

  1. I stayed in this house years ago, everywhere you looked there were books about Christiany and holiness and in every corner there were crosses and talismans to ward off evil, I knew something wasn’t right when we arrived, I never saw anything but I was afraid to be left alone in the house. After 3 days there I said to my husband that we must leave and we packed and left immediately.

  2. I would like to see real ghost hunters investigate this place. Most haunted team are rubbish if they had cameras you would be able to see them move things and real ghost hunters wouldn’t run and scream every time they say things are happening.

  3. I’m convinced that there should be a Welsh speaker present. Previous inhabitants, especially the further back you go, would probably only speak Welsh.

  4. Where as I was intrigued to watch ‘Most Haunted’ from Plas Y Ddallt in Snowdonia I would love to see it invested by GHI (Ghost Hunters International). Would you be prepared to invite them to investigate this place? because to be quite honest the screaming that goes on in ‘Most Haunted’ gets me down where as in GHI they are so calm as are their American counterparts ‘Ghost Hunters’ and there are some ladies on this team you don’t hear them screaming or see them running away, they are there to do a job and they do it excellently. Please think about this or at least give them the name of the place and let them make the offer.

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