Future Plans For Most Haunted

* When MH Returns,It will Be on a Free View Channel as Karl has said and also to be More Global for the Fans Old and New Worldwide.


* There will be some usual faces but also a couple of new ones on the New MH Team and they want to bring members of the public on the investigations too


* There Will be NO usage of Mediums for Future MH Shows.


* There Will Be Outtakes at the End Of Each MH Episode.


* The MH Team will be also be Investigating Every Day Homes For Future Most Haunted and also Every type of Location In Ireland,Uk and Abroad with Good Hauntings.


* The MH Team Hope to revisit Some Classic MH Locations From Past Shows from Lives and Series.


* The MH Team have lots Of Ideas up there Sleeves for Future MH.


* The Show will be back Bigger and Better and with more Scientific experiments and a Futuristic Feel.


* Karl Beattie about MH in 3D: We have developed 3D technology that give us full HD 3D night vision images and we would love to do it in 3D.


* There Will Be More Fan Interaction for the Episodes and Live Shows.


* Antix Productions Recently Signed up with Lionsgate to help with Future MH and Ghost Hunting With Shows and Also Any New Shows etc


* There will Be New Mobile Apps running alonside Future MH

Source: http://www.facebook.com/notes/most-haunted-the-next-generation/what-we-can-expect-on-future-most-haunted/239889292784294

1,042 thoughts on “Future Plans For Most Haunted”

  1. Hi All

    @ Darren lol no i a dont wanna stalk you πŸ˜€ I am not on Twitter its just i wondered if you were on fb MH Access page. No reason just chattin πŸ˜‰
    Hope you and yours are ok x

    No MH news guys unless our Twitter man Darren knows something?
    There may be a hint in the mag?? hope springs an all that ………. did find a couple of things you might wanna see ……. maybe not lol

    Have a good day folks W\wishes xxx
    ps oo Yvie is on radio4? talking about Tea ? NOW, thats paranormal!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Hi All

    @ Nikki yeah he is lovely i kinda needed to see that (in fact frequently) I have been a bit of a moan of late. Glad you liked it.

    Hehe well i have not been to the vaults but i have been to the Graveyard and it did not seem haunted to me but!,….. it was day visit πŸ˜‰
    Think the Catacombs in France look really scary.

    Of course it did you crafty baker you! sounds delish.

    Yeah ….. just when you think it is all going to get sorted, something else happens!!! At least Amelia is safe but yes poor Avrim.

    Talking telly, πŸ˜‰ thank you for recommending The Tudors!!!!!
    omg…….. now i am an expert πŸ˜€ Ask me anything lo
    The White Queen starts on sunday bbc1 o o o have you watched the Returned ? creepy French supernatural drama ?

    GA good again last night!!! one was just Zak yapping but do enjoy watching them hunt. x

    Hope everyone else is ok x

    No MH news ….. main topic atm is the Haunted mag (out on mon), apparently Karl will be ranting about Forum users πŸ˜‰ for having the audacity of having a different opinion to his own, among other gripes so nothing new there then……….. sooooooo no news just stirring……………..

    Ok i hope you all have a lovely weekend W\wishes xxx

  3. Hi lovely people

    @Hi lovely Claire u got me shedding a tear there at your last link , what an inspiration that fella is , makes you humble , and makes you think life is too short too moan and groan at petty things in life , we all do true, but wow if i could bottle up his zest for life and sell it and be a millionairess , what a lovely chap.

    Great to see edinburgh twice on the 10 top scary places GO SCOTLAND !!!! YEAH !!!!!!
    plus………..oooo deep tunnels stretching from Scotland to Turkey wowwee v interesting , there’s so much to learn about this wonderful world we live in and so much probably still undiscovered!

    Baking went really well today did some different bakes Red velvet tray bake , toffee and peacan baked cheesecake and now i have a terrible weakness for Date slices !!!! they sound ominous but believe me they are delicious like a gooey figgy mixture between buttery shortbread layers with demara sugar coating yum and too delicious for words !!!

    anyway touch yet again leaves me exicted and panting for more aaaa poor avrim kidnapped and locked away all because moody Martin shouted at him nooooooo!!!!!!!

    take care W/wishes xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  4. Hi All

    @ Nikki Yes that why i posted it i knew it was a fav of yours πŸ˜‰ It seems like that lady has had enough and moved out now! Hope she does not lose too much £££ She should rent it out for Ghunts.
    Hehehe yeah “oh come and see the Alien i have in my freezer” and re the old Guru, hmmm, you must admit he looks hungry? πŸ˜€
    I know that was a fab ep of GA ….. yeah me too i love em!!!
    Happy baking take care x

    David Wells
    “Give yourself a gift: the present moment. People out for posthumous fame forget that the Generations To Come will be the same annoying people they know now. And just as mortal. What does it matter if they say X about you, or think Y?” Meditations by Marcus Aurelius A.D. 121-180 Nothing changes!

    No news soooooooooooo enjoy your parathursday W\wishes xxx

  5. hI ALL

    @claire i’ve seen that house called “the cage” somewhere before was it on Michaela straachan’s prog? i’d love to do a vigil there ,it doesn’t look scary on the inside but looks can be deceiving as we know .
    As for the alien and the man who hasn’t ate for 70 years !!! mmmm good clips but not entirely sure about them lol
    GA was fab yet again , i loved it when Nick and Aron went to the voodoo lady’s house in New Orleans loads of activity ,and it was heartfelt moment when Zac heard the voice ” katrina” and “I’m dead” yeah really good eps love it when they debunk things too or review the evidence to prove it’s authenticity by the angles and time frames etc , i’m so in love with them guys and the prog !
    Baking tomorrow !!! so might not be on but till soon w/wishes xxxxxxxxx

  6. Hi All

    @ Darren VHS aahhhhhhhhhhhh πŸ™‚ think i have an old Live somewhere??? too.
    I agree with you the mediums were much better, if just given some peace to get a proper connection instead of being interrogated and sent bad vibes …who can get good results in that kind of atmosphere. Glad your enjoying them. Are you on fb Darren?

    Well no news its all Haunted mag this and that atm issue 6 out on monday.
    Hope you are all ok take care W\wishes xxx

  7. hi guys got all my old vhs out watching most haunted early shows Derek was awsome and the crew stayed out the way instead of getting involved as much love watching early ones

  8. Hi All

    Hope you are all well and enjoying the sun. No MH news yet, so just a couple of links for you guys to watch, or not πŸ™‚

    Simon posted a couple about Anneliese Michel i have not watched them yet but i have heard of her terrible story, they based a film on her so it might be quite hard to watch fyi 1st 2 links.

    Have a good one W\wishes xx
    Ps enjoy Touch

  9. Hi All

    Guess what no news……………….there is a Colin Fry radio interview though.
    I have not listened yet? So not sure if its any good?
    Hope you all got time to hear the Andrea Perron interview i posted yesterday again it was an hour so …. but well worth it πŸ™‚

    @ Nikki great Birthday link lol πŸ˜€
    LOL i think i could manage to go to the flicks to see that one too πŸ˜‰
    But like you i dont think i could manage The Conjuring ooooooooo sounds and looks so scary and the interview does not dampen it ooooooo!
    Yes Touch is so edge of seat …… the 7 are in the hands of Astrocore? (is that right?) I forget but it is something to do with sleeping experiments ? Never mind lol i will be reminded tomorrow, good to see you x πŸ˜‰

    @ Debby hope you had a great day x

    Ok take care W\wishes xxx

  10. Happy birthday to Debby! Many happy returns and have a wonderful day with your family! <:D
    (Emoticon is supposed to be wearing a party hat, not sure it'll work when posted)

    Have a great birthday. xxxx

  11. oooh Claire forgot to say Touch again was a brill one and yes MR Psycho Gortez man has gone and killed himself !!!!! ooo what’s the nest of 7 Afrim (thinks that’s his name ) he knows and so glad Amelia is with Jake and Martin now, but I think Karl is up to something joining forces again with Astrocore but in a good way tee hee love that prog xx

  12. HI all
    Many happy returns para pal , hope you have a smasher of a day and get spoilt rotten, hey by the sounds of it you already have!!! lol
    just for you xxxx

    @hi claire oooh a para tv series with Klinge Brothers and Chip yeahhh should be good

    still not going to see the Conjuring at the flicks nah ah , i tell you what i did what the other day Scary movie the new one , daft as you like ,

    hope you have a good day too

    see yous all soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  13. Hi All

    Sounds like Derek went down well with the Bathgate massive

    Another great night in Bathgate. It was a long journey but worth it because of the lovely audience. Apologies to those who wanted tickets but were disappointed but I will be back soon and next time I’ll do 2 nights.

    Fred Batt For Sale

    Fred Batt
    If anyone is interested I am putting quite a few artefacts that I have used on the Most Haunted Live shows on Ebay tonight.

    Have a good day w\wishes xxx

  14. Hi Debby a couple more for your special day to come …..
    So glad you got an ipad?? hope you have lots of fun, great pressy πŸ˜€
    Have a great day and a brill year ahead lots of Birthday W\wishes xx

  15. HI all……..I’m back….. Mr Debby bought me an iPad mini for my bday and I opened it today !!!! So I’m online again, just need to work out how to use it properly !

  16. Hi All

    @ Darren i know the good old days πŸ™‚ nice to see you hope the fam are ok x

    @ Nikki i hope lil Nikki had a wonderful day yesterday and you all made happy memories x Quite the turning point big well done for your little angel xx

    I hope you are all well and Jason hope your ok mate. And you all have a wonderful para thursday bye for now W\wishes xxx

    Ps no news xxx take care

  17. Hi All Oo guess whos come to dinner

    @ Vikki Nice to see you,.. yes 2013 battle of the books, Derek is maybe waiting for Christmas now? so just 200 or so days Glad you have found some relief from those pesky allergies take care x
    Loved the Crow what a DUDE!!!! and dont anyone believe that β€œbird brain” nonsense!!!

    @ Nikki yeah? i poached it a couple of weeks? back fro Dr C page yes it looks a shocker, as far as i have heard Mrs W approves
    Hope the sun shines on you all and lil Nix has lots of fun x

    @ WebmasterPLG/007
    Thank you kindly looks good and is now on my faves just in case i get brave,… nice to see you x

    Simon MostHaunted Healy 4 June 21:28
    Good Evening Everyone,I cant wait for you all to read My New upcoming Piece in Haunted Digital Magazine Issue 6 featuring Most Haunted ,hope you all enjoyed my Piece in issue 5.Issue 6 is Incredible and lets just say I had a lot to say
    So honoured to be part of an Amazing Magazine x

    Karl Beattie
    Hello lovely people, just finished my pieces for Haunted Digital Magazine, I was so please with the last issue and feel very honoured to be a part of it’s huge success. If you thought my last article ruffled a few feathers, this one doesn’t just ruffle them, it completely plucks the bird, puts in the oven on a medium heat for an hour or so, then serves it up wit roast potatoes, carrots and thick gravy. I hope you enjoy it. xx

    W\wishes xxxxxx

  18. Hi All

    Oo guess whos come to dinner

    @ Vikki Nice to see you,.. yes 2013 battle of the books, Derek is maybe waiting for Christmas now? so just 200 or so days πŸ˜‰ Glad you have found some relief from those pesky allergies take care x
    Loved the Crow what a DUDE!!!! and dont anyone believe that “bird brain” nonsense!!!

    @ Nikki yeah? i poached it a couple of weeks? back fro Dr C page yes it looks a shocker, as far as i have heard Mrs W approves
    πŸ˜‰ Hope the sun shines on you all and lil Nix has lots of fun x

    @ WebmasterPLG/007 πŸ˜‰
    Thank you kindly looks good and is now on my faves just in case i get brave,… nice to see you x

    Simon MostHaunted Healy 4 June 21:28
    Good Evening Everyone,I cant wait for you all to read My New upcoming Piece in Haunted Digital Magazine Issue 6 featuring Most Haunted ,hope you all enjoyed my Piece in issue 5.Issue 6 is Incredible and lets just say I had a lot to say πŸ˜‰
    So honoured to be part of an Amazing Magazine x

    Karl Beattie
    Hello lovely people, just finished my pieces for Haunted Digital Magazine, I was so please with the last issue and feel very honoured to be a part of it’s huge success. If you thought my last article ruffled a few feathers, this one doesn’t just ruffle them, it completely plucks the bird, puts in the oven on a medium heat for an hour or so, then serves it up wit roast potatoes, carrots and thick gravy. I hope you enjoy it. xx

    W\wishes xxx

  19. Good to see you again, Nikki.

    The clip made me smile. πŸ™‚
    Two weeks, sorry, out of the loop, I feel bad for deserting.
    The MacDonald’s whistle, that’s brilliant. XD
    Amazing they have that ability to mimic details like that, but don’t necessarily know what they’re repeating. We can learn a lot from that about how certain human conditions work, there’s always a lesson they can teach us, whether it’s about our own minds, or about finding joy in small things. πŸ™‚

    You do a better job of it than I do.
    The Glaucoma test sounds awful, thankfully, it’s finished now. xxx

    Does seem to be.
    Might not be such a good idea, but on the plus side, vinegar goes wonderfully with fish and chips. Yummy. πŸ™‚

    They’re not, no. Ciaran’s writing an autobiography by the sounds of things, but I think he plans to write about other things too. As to Fred, he’s writing two, one about his life, another about demonology.
    Yvie’s promised to go into her past on Blue Peter and what happened there, as well and hinted at new revelations about mediums she’s worked with (no more fighting, please, it’s unbecoming of a group of supposed adults to fight like that.)
    Derek, for his part, has taken legal advice, so I’m guessing that he’s got a few aces up his sleeve in all this. πŸ˜‰
    I’ll be interested to read what Ciaran has to say and whether he casts some new light over the row with Derek and what happened on MH. If so, light the blue touch paper and stand well back…

    Nite. xxxx

  20. Hello, Paul, nice to see you. Hope you’re well.

    May I ask, is the new Ghost Hunting Company the same one that Sara Whyman is involved with presently?
    Thank you.

  21. Good sunny afternoon guys hey WERE ALL BACK yarooooo!!!! bar jason

    @Claire OH my MR NIKKI showed me the trailer to THe Conjurer the one with the Warrens in when they were starting out as were , OMG SCARY SCARY TENA LADY SCARY but…………………… looks fab so cant wait to watch that one on me own !!!!!!!!

    oh nevermind we like to know these things , but i dont think i’ll make it to Edinburgh to see Dr C in time lol i bet it’ll be good tho!

    @Debby Hello sunshine grrrrrr techno rubbish , try us at the best of times eh! woohoo Birthday girl on SUN well a wee look through the HB clips may be the order of the day …….. watch this space , great to see you back

    @Vicki hi hi you little firecracker you lol I’ve been called some names in my past but never that one !!!
    Excellent clip of the crow , what an intelligent birdy full of character !!! animals are sooo clever ,not given enough credit
    yeah my dancing parrot ,loved it going round to have a jig and a chat but that stopped 2 weeks back !!! i still hear him in the back yard though he does the McDonalds whistle now!!!!

    oh dear yeah i thought the optician was gonna give me a smooch he got that close , and tbh vicki i felt like laughing hugely as well , but the titters were contained !!!!!
    but i’d never jumped so much on the glaucoma test !!!!!! i only wear glasses for reading and laptop work .

    honey works wonders with most things , nature’s healing , also vinegar has sooo many uses as well but i suggest you dont put that in your tea! yeuck .

    ooo wonder what Ciaran and fred are writing then , not collaborating together surely????
    hope yvie’s book’s good ,yep good old Degsie he’s got his head screwed on .

    well lovely to hear from you ladies i got the old sports day tommorow at LIL nikki’s school her last ever at primary boo hoo , then the parents can stay after for a picnic on the field so i’m praying for those sunrays !!!!!

    W/wishes xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  22. [Peeks head around door]

    Hello. Good to see you all again. How are you all? xxxx

    Did I hear it is Debby’s birthday on Sunday? A very happy birthday. Hope you have a wonderful day. πŸ˜€

    I hate eye tests, for some reason I always start laughing for no reason at all when they’re looking into my eyes with the torch. I don’t know why, I think it’s because it’s the most inappropriate time to laugh, so that sets me off. Probably need new glasses this year as well.

    Love the dancing birdie. πŸ™‚ Birds do have a sense of rhythm and have danced to music when it was put on in a ‘test’. Some birds also have a high ability for problem solving and memory, especially crows. There’s a great clip online of a crow using a piece of litter as a sledge in the snow. It was on the roof, set the piece down, stood on it and slid down the roof. Fascinating creatures, never given the credit for their intelligence. I’ll see if I can find the clip.

    Firecracker? Me? Never been called that before, I just thought I was a know-it-all. πŸ˜›

    Cats know what they like. πŸ˜‰ Good to know Kofi is well. πŸ™‚

    People laugh at Degsie, but he’s laughing all the way to the bank.

    Hmm… Yvie’s recording part of her book today, Derek was seeking legal advice last we heard, with a little help from Gwen and friends. Ciaran and Fred are also putting pen to paper from what we hear, it’s like watching two armies preparing for battle in The War of Words with reinforcements on standby.

    Allergies are a nightmare, had all the symptoms of a cold this weekend, from very sore throat, sneezing and being bunged up, to backache, dizziness and legs feeling weak. Not good. Seems to be getting better, but still sniffy, coughing and not quite right, but I heard honey helps, so I’ve put some in my lemon and ginger tea and I have to say, it seems to be working.

    Hope you’re all ok, sorry about not being back in touch sooner. xxxx

  23. Hi All

    @ Nikki glad you enjoyed GA and yeah good for Billy what a lovely Dog.
    I will ! i think Lorraine W interview will be brill, soo looking forward to that one. Great to see you, you take care and we will see you when you have time xx

    @ Debby awww grrr pc giving you grief ooo i hate that. Bday on sun Gemini ? Well same as Nix see you when you have a mo take care xx

    Hope everyone else is ok x

    Yvette Fielding: Recording first couple of chapters of my book today. ‘Here’s One I screamed earlier’ wish me luck x”

    Dr C
    Tue 4th June, 7:30pm, Edinburgh – my talk on “The Weird &The Wonderful”. Tickets only Β£5. Call 01316250700

    (left it a bit late)

    Well folks thats all i found on my quickie W\wishes xxx

  24. Hi all, I am still alive….had computer probs….damn thing on it’s way out….but bday on sun and hopefully Mr Debby might buy me a new one !!!!

    Catch you guys later

    love to you all xxxxx

  25. hi all late one today
    @Hi claire just to let you know your not talking to no one lol i’m still here xx
    i know Bill M come on my son you need to come back !
    ooo sounds good the conjurer look forward to your post !
    GA at Mineral Springs was fab loved the young girl ep’s must of took a shine to Aron , also well done to Billy for adopting dog for his own !!!! pat on the back for him x


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