On the 10th of September 2010, Living announced a new show that is to replace Most Haunted. Paranormal Investigation: Live .
This announcement brings to a close the series of Most Haunted on Living.
Paranormal Investigations Live on Facebook
This Halloween, be part of a brand new kind of TV paranormal investigation with the sole aim of uncovering hard evidence of paranormal activity. Two teams of experienced investigators, using very different approaches and equipment, will be sent into one of the UK’s scariest locations to uncover the paranormal. But will the evidence they gather stand up to the scrutiny of our in-house scientific and historical experts? Will they be able to explain incidents that are seemingly beyond the range of normal? Or will they, along with you the viewer, observe experiences that lie outside of rational explanation? Join us LIVE on 30th & 31st October, exclusively on LIVING. If you dare.
A self confessed super fan of Most Haunted and editor of GhostMag.com. Matt’s passion for ghost hunting began when he moved into a haunted house in his second year of university in Leicester! His favourite location is the Niddry Street Vaults in Edinburgh.
its now 2011 is ther gowing to be a live most hunted on uk tv or not if so when ?
As for Chris (comment, Dec 3rd 2010) using terms such as council house retards – how derogatory is that? Are you inferring that everyone from a council estate is a retard, or only the ones who watch Most Haunted are or do only people from council estates a) watch MH and b) must be a retard because they live on a council estate? Maybe you should spend your time a little more effectively, possibly by honing your proofreading skills.
Oh God, last to realise! I am gutted, it was pure entertainment. Was a bit gutted when David left but it was still worth watching. Have not watched that Paranormal whatever once, I want Yvette and MH back! Kept waiting and waiting, what a mup!
Cant believe its over! I am the biggest fan of mh. Cant understand why such a brilliant show and its hard working team would just disappear like that. They have been ground breaking over the years and so entertaining. I have spent so many years trying to convince my family members that mh is the real deal and no tricks or illusions but for it to end so suddenly and no explanation is a kick in the teeth. I thought Yvette and the team might of dug their heels in a bit more for the fans!!
hi, does anybody know anything about when or if m.h will be returning …. heard a few rumours that they may be switching to ch 5.. Iam surprised there’s been no updates at all..Bring it back , tv. is just not the same .
i think its just living cutting back youknow as ghost whisperer season 6 also been cancelled
I hope they don’t get rid of the show i find it really good and entertaining yes i do belive that Derek Acorah is a bit of a fake but thats just my opinion.
I am sorry that MH has been removed form our screens and hope that it returns in the not to distant future, everything else in the genre is not worth watching.
Paranormal investigation live was the worst crap i think i have ever seen in a long time it came across as very ameturish.
For those people refering to us as saddos, i am a very healthy sceptic and always look for the fakes with these kind of programmes and yes Derek Acorah was one of the biggest fakes ever and good ridance to him even Keiren O’Keiffe caught him out before, just because one person tried to con us does not mean that everyone is conning us.
its about time they stopped showing this programme, as like all things everything must come to an end
its about time they stopped showing this programme, as like all things everything must come to an end
just looked up now on the website to see that most haunted has finished, very sad to see and hear of this, I did watch the other programme and personally thought it was crap, not a patch on the most haunted orginal.sorry to hear that u all have finished i really enjoyed all of most haunted and the team were great 2. hopefully u will all come back again on another programme somewhere soon, hopefully. Sian
hi l hope its not the last show l will miss it
you bunch of saddos….this show and all these shows are a giant con,the presenters are at the very best con merchants and dishonest scum,sally was well caught out on a programme i remember watching when she had researched the fake ghosts and was well and truly found out,i actually find it disgraceful as these people are free to prey on some vulnerable fragile people with their antics and false predictions….the show is ridiculous and for the terminally stupid council house retards that watch it….is anybody there??? knock or make a sound if you are here….did you here that….did you here that…did you here that,i heard a knock,honest i did…yes i know the sound crew didnt,the sceptics didnt, the microphone didnt, the camera didnt…..just ridiculous,but as i said you can imagine sally and derek preying on some poor family who have recently lost someone….ooohhh im getting a msg,was his name errr john,no? jake,no?jason,no?aardvark,no? alan,no?adam,no?….ohh it was trevor!!! i knew it had a vowel in it…..and you stupid cretins keep shows like this on
Only just found out Most Haunted not coiming back. I was looking forward to Paranormal Investigation because I has a strange experience at Menzies Castle myself. Mum and I gave up because it was so boring and amatuerish.
I have just watched the new show of paranormal investigation live, that is to replace most haunted, Idid not think much of it, I think living tv taking most haunted of our televisions is a big mistake which they will rue, it was the only reason I used to watch the station in the first place, I don`t see any reason to tune into it know, I thought most haunted was there signature program so was surprissed to heare they had taken it of. Living TV watch your ratings drop fast.
Bring back most haunted, Iwatched the October live which has replaced Most Haunted and I did not like it at all to be fair after the first nights live I did’nt bother with watching any more ther was nothing exciting about it. Living TV realy needs to rethink what they are doing, Halloween has always been about Most Haunted and to replace you guys with a program that does’nt even come close is silly.I have been a fan of Most Haunted from when you guys first came on tv and have been to two live avents Winter gardens and norfolk and had a fab time. It would be great to see you guys back on our TV’s.
I agree with all the comments about PIL, and really wsh there was some way we can contact Yvette, Karl or any of the team to find out if there is anything we can do to help bring them back….any ideas ?
i watched some of the paranormal investigation live, and thought it was big pile of pants!! I hate that there was no real explanation for the disappearence of most haunted at halloween, i would have thought that yvette and karl would have issued a statement as to what happenend, but nothing has been said!! bring back most haunted, was a brilliant show!!
i watched some of the paranormal investigation live, and thought it was big pile of pants!! I hate that there was no real explanation for the disappearence of most haunted at halloween, i would have thought that yvette and karl would have issued a statement as to what happenend, but nothing has been said!! bring back most haunted, was a brilliant show!!
i watched some of the paranormal investigation live, and thought it was big pile of pants!! I hate that there was no real explanation for the disappearence of most haunted at halloween, i would have thought that yvette and karl would have issued a statement as to what happenend, but nothing has been said!! bring back most haunted, was a brilliant show!!
Hello, So sad to hear MH will not be back..I was pretty much housebound for 2years due to ill health and looked forward to the lives,I felt part of something spectacular ,they would always make me forget how my life had changed and for a while stopped me dwelling on the very negative aspect of illness…I am mch better now thank goodness but was gutted that there was no Halloween live..Yvette,Karl and the team are so personable and down to earth,they are household names that can be relied on to entertain and reassure…
I watched the paranormal live show that replaced MH..I found it ‘dead’,slow,tedious and amateur…
Best wishes to the MH team…a re-think , a good cup of tea,a reversed decsision by Yvette hopefully and MH will be back on our screens in time for spring…you know you want to! 🙂 x
Had sky + this halloween new prog just been watching it could only do 10 mins then deleted all 6 hours could not watch any more it was sooooooooooooo bad nothing like MH will really miss it My husband and I go on investigations and do better than those jokers on thereThe presenter was a wooded top and the teams were just bad and unprofesional so will not be watching again bring back MH and quick please
bring back MH that new show is a load of c**p watched the first hour then turned it off it was SO BORING i nearly fell asleep COME BACK YVETTE AND THE GANG WE LUV YOU!!!
I thought this yrs halloweens programme was soo boring, I couldn even finish watching the 1st part. Bring back Yvette, Carl and the gang.
there will be nothing like most haunted.iv watched it form day 1.i watched paranormal investigation and all i can say is what a load of ????.please bring back most haunted
Well this “new” show is total crap from start to finish….get rid immediately is my advice!!!
well ive never been so ashamed to say ive watched a ghost hunting program before but now i am its not that its a ghost hunting program its the fact that paranormal investgation live was so unbelevably bad what a waste of time i hope living realised that there putting nails in ther own coffin by dropping the show that made them what they are but hopfully when most haunted is back on another network they will do a ghost hunt for the spirit of living tv
OMG! What a sad, pathetic attempt to replace Most Haunted!. Utter garbage!!!!
My world is not the same without MH,the new show was shit,only watched it for a couple of minutes before changing channels.
Just sat watching MH and cant believe what i just saw…..absolutely nothing…..nothing at all, but, the people in the rooms or who do the show see it all, what about showing the public what they see, and as for the glass moving, well, its not rocket science, at least show the public the ghosts or poltergeists
Being honest I wanted to give PIL a chance…but after 10 minutes it was snooze city. A total disappointment in every way. Very bad indeed. Yvette and Karl rock!
really disapointed that MH was not our screens this halloween..watched a bit of PI and turned it off..it was like watching paint dry..bring back MH the team are fab and I have it since it began..plesae bring it back !
omg this show was the most boring ever i was gutted when it was announced no mhl 2010 but thought id give it a go nooooooo i had to work till 9pm on 30th oct got home after ten ran in switched over to living er what the who what when eh my god what the hell was this show all about seen better acting on elderado the team had no clue what was going on bet the spirits were peeing themselfs please yevette and carl if your reading this for the sake of great tv get the team back together for whatever reason your not doing mh nomore please reconsideryour descisions please please x 1trillion brian walsall
I was totally open minded and prepared to give the new format a chance, but was extremely disappointed. I think it is very, very sad that the Most Haunted crew decided to try something completely different, understand why, but I’m sorry – it just doesn’t work. The Most Haunted format was and is the very best there is on TV, and would desperately urge Karl and Yvette to reconsider this venture and go back to the orginal format and the best. I don’t think I would ever warm to the new show, people or presenter who I actually had to mute when she was on screen as I felt like I should be watching the news or Antiques Roadshow. I’m sorry, but most definately it was a real disappointment. Having read alot of other viewers opinions, it appears that many of us are of the same opinion, so PLEASE bring back the team and Derek Acorah, loved him and he is a genuine medium with a genuine gift. Sadly, perhaps just became a little pressured by needing to ‘perform’ on que, but I still and I think most people out there believed in him. He was a great character for the show and Yvette and the team worked so well with him.
Sorry to be so negative 🙁
What a load of rubbish!!! Yvette, Plzzzzzzzz come back!!! Plzzzzzzzzz! We miss you! xxx
I’ve never seen such a load of rubbish in my life where on earth did they get these people from ? My cats. have more personality just horrendous. What idiots at Living made this call you should get the sack. Yvette and Karl I’m begging you bring. back MH and Mh live ASAP stuff Living go to another channel you have such. a huge following out there we love and miss u SO much xxx
PI total rubbish, and boring, lost that time for ever!!!!!!
I watched most haunted replacement and what a load of rubbish it was completely flat and unentertaining bring back Yvette and friends
I watched most haunted replacement and what a load of rubbish it was completely flat and unentertaining bring back Yvette and friends!
have to agree that the new paranormal show was complete rubbish………..bring back most haunted live and show everyone how it should be done!!
watched the new show…WHAT A COMPLETE LOAD OF TWADDLE !!!!!!!!!………..BRING BACK YVETTE !!!!!!!!!