We are back

Sorry for the delay in repairing the site. Thanks for your support from all you Most Haunted Fans.

Keep the faith


7 thoughts on “We are back”

  1. I’m a huge fan of most haunted, so much so that I’m am embarking on training to be a paranormal investigator. The whole ethos of most haunted is what inspires me, the evidence, the individual experiences and sceptics to keep it real. please can you advise on how someone gets into “investigation”. My dream would be to be part of something so fantastic like Most Haunted. xxx.kel.x.

  2. I miss you all pls come back and I would like come and watch with you because I am deaf but see with my eye

  3. Hello most haunted, i just love watching your shows, it a very addictive show, im currently watching the investigation at nunnington hall and was very moved by the sad story of the little boy who used too take food and toys to his elder step-brother who was locked in his room, lets see what happens then oooooooooooooooooo

  4. a bit sad to see a certain amount of questionable mediumship . have always been a committed fan. should you ever be looking to try out new vessels or middleman slightly darkly in contact . please emailme. many thanks guys , keep up the good work yvette , if it hadn’t been for your skill i would have stopped viewing .

  5. HELLO BOSS!!!!

    Aww no need to say sorry we all think your fab!!!!! and well done sorting it all out xxxx

    We all love it here! you have made a great site and you are fab hosts xx

    Sorry i did not see you before but we were all just so keen to catch up.
    So glad your back ‘bigger and better’ just a lil joke there for yah xx Idle mind an all that waiting for mh to return.

    Thank you very much again xx You should come on for a chat we are all on Fred Batts Latest page we would love to chat to you if you have time.

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