Fred Batt Gothic Calendar 2012

Limited Edition Fred Batt 2012 Gothic Calendars Signed Personally To You

Containing Beautiful Satanic & Gothic Colour Plates that can be framed after use.

Makes an Unusual Gift

£14.99 +Postage & Packing



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1,225 thoughts on “Fred Batt Gothic Calendar 2012”

  1. Hi all
    Remeber we are all here to comfort ,listen, appreciate, not judge, cast wisdom, act daft, shed light, and make each other smile, laugh, we all share the same interest “Paranormal” we cant all agree (thats what makes life interesting)

    Hey it’s Christmas and 4 more sleeps
    love and peace and cake w/wishes xxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Hi all, Well I’m still here….only another 13 and a half hours to go !!!!!

    We love you too Jason !!!! Have a very Happy xmas xx

  3. morning every one ,just to say sorry ,about that last post , how can i leave you all when you have been there for me ,after loosing my dad like to say sorry again love you all ,xxx hardly say that word love only when i meen it ,xxx

  4. Hi everyone

    @Claire after the thought provoking link about the Conetticut shooting which is devasting it was lovely to read the second link about restoring faith in humanity , thankyou Claire just what we needed.
    That poor guy with the second face , it’s a litttle creepy to say the least , not an age to die tho.
    My daughter’s carol service was lovely if not a little chilly in the church , i was sitting at the front even tho i’d turned up after loads had got there and could hear my daughter singing loud and proud bless her , but they didn’t do the recorders just the carols !!!

    @Debby oooo dont we are all going to be fine watch this space ! it’s always a pleasure to chat never a chore!
    5 more sleeps and counting , i feel like a kid in a sweety shop at mo

    ooooh scary stuff adrift , it be amazing if you could get hold of the picture , let us anaylise it! i have one too where i’m convinced it was myu Great Aunt in the corner of the shot visiting me after we brought her sofa home a few days after her funeral . which is a lovely thought if so .

    W/wishes everyone ooo btw Jason your picture!! didn’t give me nightmares, you needed a little tinsel round your head to bring out the festive cheer!!!! lol

    jingle bells jingle bells jingle all theway!!!!!!!!!xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  5. @Claire, is that Edward Mordrake image for real ? poor poor guy, he said that the face talked to him!!!!! wow, spooky.

    I love your link about faith in people being restored. I went to see my best friend this morning and we were talking about the shooting in Conneticut and I got really sad and felt a bit depressed by it all….then I saw your link…and SMILED, thank you xxx 🙂 🙂

    As this could be my last ever post ( appocolipse looming ) !!!! i’d just like to say…it’s been a pleasure chatting with you all and i’ll see you in the next dimension !!!!! 😉

  6. Hi everyone…. HO HO HO !!!!
    Can’t wait for xmas, we are all getting excited here, everything is ready for the big day, pity we are all gonna die tomorrow !!!! 😉

    Well well well, spooky shenannigans going on at my daughter’s house !!!!

    I went there yesterday and she told me that something was making the baubles come off her xmas tree and end up on the other side of the room !! also, my granddaughter is teething atm so she had a bottle of medicine and a medicine syringe placed on the windowsill at the top of her stairs, she was sitting in the lounge the other day when she heard something hit the front door,…. it was the syringe, now there is no way that it could have fallen so far without being thrown, there were no doors or windows open and she said that both the bottle and syringe were placed right at the back of the windowsill , she’s really scared bless her.

    She also told me that when she still lived at home with me ( in the “haunted house” ) her boyfriend took a picture of the mirror on her wardrobe after someone told him that you can catch the image of a spirit if there is one there, well to cut a long story short, he caught an image of an old man leaning in from the side of the mirror, she said that the pic was really clear and def not a smudge on the mirror or a trick of the light…. I asked him to show me the pic and he said he would find it for me as it was on and old sim card !!!!!!!

    I can’t wait to see it, to see if I recognise the face…maybe a dead grandad or something, or maybe a stranger, anyhow…it is intriguing. .

  7. Hi All

    @ Jason Thought it was you…. there was the MH CS picture ……… good for you! for going legit i’m sure you will make lots of friends 🙂
    You should maybe start with Simons pages he has thousands of friends…… if you join all his MH pages you might have fun. Also Catch up with Cath lol
    Anyway hope you enjoy yourself.
    I am just a fb lurker with a dummy account. Take care x

    Nikki hope your day went well x

    Well folks its para thurs hope PW is good tonight 2 stories in the 1st of tonights double ep called The Good Skeleton hmmm lol 😉
    Ok hope your all ok i’m off for a lil look at Jakes w\wishes xxx

    Couple of links to follow 1 straight out of the Twilight Zone 😉

  8. @ claire i bet i want get any kisses now you seen my picture lol ,i bet go in to hiding now happy christmas and new year to everyone ,anyone feel free ato add me to facebook iff if you to take care be good xxx

  9. @ Darren love and goodwill to you and yours too xx
    Quite right baby comes 1st you lucky man x

    Colin Fry
    Something really made me laugh earlier two girls chattings at gatwick about how they both really believed the world is going to end on 21st , in the next breath they armed asking each other what they are getting for Christmas !

    Also wishes all a Happy Christmas and warns parents not to purchase violent games for there kids.

    Chip Coffey
    Just got home from Wal-Mart. I need a Valium!

    Derek Acorah
    Good afternoon everybody. I’m very pleased to say that today I have woken up to a nice frosty morning which makes a pleasant change to the torrential rain that we had yesterday. Although I have a couple of private readings today I have been continuing on with my decorations for Christmas in the house. I started off yesterday and got into quite a muddle with the wiring and cables. I’m afraid that I’m not very good with electrics so tend to find that I’m being watched like a hawk by a certain somebody. All seems well so far. All I’ve got to do now is find all the baubles and tinsel – no doubt they’re in boxes in a cupboard somewhere.
    I hope that you’re all looking forward to Christmas although I’ve heard that there’s a nasty bug going around. I take the precaution of carrying antibacterial gel around with me so that if I touch a shopping trolley or a hand rail or anything like that, I quickly gel my hands. I do hope however that not too many of you have caught the bug. Anyway, I must get on with my endeavours before I have to start work.
    Why, oh why do some people think that it’s alright to advertise their wares on my Facebook page? To be asked would be nice and the decent thing to do, but no – they just go ahead and post up their adverts regardless as to the subject matter of the thread concerned. It’s worse than adding me to groups that I have no interest whatsoever in. What happened to manners?

    Jason Hawes
    My heart is torn out by what has happened in Connecticut. Please pray for them all…

  10. Hi All

    @ Debby
    “Hi all, First i’d just like to give my sincere sorrow for Phil and his wife… I can not imagine what they must be going through, my heart goes out to them.”
    Quite right…… its so cruel xxxxxx

    Re that shooting in Connecticut ……… i know its horrific i have been lighting a candle for them all everyday.
    I remember Dunblane where such madness springs from i have no idea pure unadulterated evil.
    Obama will have quite a job revoking the good old right to arms.
    How many times does this kind of wickedness have to happen.

    My purse is closed for business until further notice in fact it may never recover ooooooooo
    My wrapping is done too although not on your scale 😉 Cat hair and cellotape mmm lovely they just love to help. 🙂
    Now that sounds like heart in the mouth stuff .. i quite agree keep the magic alive Santa is wonderful.
    Did you see Chris Conways letter from Santa to his little girl awwww if you havent done it and have a min you should check it out …..portable north pole … the actual link is up there a scroll or 2 erm …… Dec 8th ….so sweet.

    Hehe just being silly….. thank gawd i got my eras right lol i was talking to an expert yikes…… have you ever been to a past life regression therapist …….. as that instinctual knowledge sounds really intriguing.

    …I bet her boyfriend is skinny !!!!
    😀 lmao
    Yeah it looks that way hmmmm and doesnt answer back ………… omg what the?? jeeeeze …. and she was quite indignant about it all with her i’m not hurting anyone 😉

    I would love to visit that mountain in France where the rocks at the top are older than the base of it ????

    Well when my Cat Felix (RIP) was a lad itwas embarrassing…. i remember making my bed and glancing out the window there he was chasing girls around like a demented Benny Hill ….. that was the tin lid on it for me ………. the only thing that really worried him was the no food before the op …………… he was so relaxed and only chased birds of the feathered kind after. So yes Reuben is at that age i think x

    @ Nikki Hear Hear xxx 🙁
    Its crazy i have heard it all now a flaming Werewolf …………. like you, nice house shame about the natives 😉
    Yeah nice thought needs investigating though and again glad i dont live there!

    I know that skeleton woman is straight up bananas ………… live and let live but OMG!!!!

    Well i dont really have an infinity to the Iron A ….. Greece … yeah Victorian Tudor yes among some others but hey you never know us lot maybe were kicking about together then chewing the fat around the ol camp fire 🙂

    Poor baby x …. is she nervous about her play ?
    “Wicked Dickington” eh ? lmao awww out of the mouths of babes 🙂
    Come and tell all xx
    Coincidentally my Aunt has just gave me a load of home made Shortbread yum ……….. and now it starts….. i have already scoffed a box of Ferreo Rocher oh dear.

    I’m sure you 2 will give everyone a delicious Christmas Dinner …….. sounds m m m….. and Debby sorry i did not ask for poor Mowgli glad she is feeling better x

    Highly Recommended Cat Book Paw Tracks In The Moonlight to name but 1
    Guineas make great little companions. x

    w\wishes xxx

  11. hi everyone want to just say a very merry xmas to you all , Simon vicky , claire , tony, debby, nikki, jason hope i havent missed any body, i have stayed clear of the whole mediumship thing for a while as i have been wrapped up in nappies, lol im still getting messages but not really concentrating love a good will to you all x

  12. Good Afternoon people
    can i just say first that my heart goes out to Phil and Sara i didn’t know the facts until Claire posted , but i truly wish them sincere heartfelt wishes as everyone else does,such a sad time for them.

    Good afternoon Jason ding dong merrily on high to youx

    Good Afternoon Claire
    I have watched the pw the cabin and ghost in the garden now , i have to say the cabin one made me nervous, what a lovely property and surroundings but if i was in that lady’s shoes i be brikkin it big too! Werewolf????? mmm he had strange eyes and those chains and scratch marks did suggest something sinister eh? the other one had a happier ending how nice to think of a lady returning as a little girl to her former birthplace.
    well a skeleton lover how bizzare , there are some things we cant explain and people are one of them????what goes off in the human mind???
    Aha do you think you were a roman soilder?? or you could of been a hunky gladiator?? it strange but we could of been opposite sexes in past lives eh?

    yeah lol morning grumps for lil nikki she not good in mornings she likes her bed , but once shes up and dressed and eaten then she is better , she’s off to a panto tomorrow with the school to watch Dick Whittington but i had to laugh as when she was telling her grandad what she was seeing she said Wicked Dickington which all made us wet ourselves with giggles bless her she gets her words fuddled just like her mum at times!

    Aww Kofi just couldn’t get enough cuddles!

    Well the morning coffee shop sale of cakes and biscuits went well round two at 4.30 today sooo keep you posted!

    Good afternoon Debby
    aww glad mowgli better , yes i have had my fill of good king wenceslas for now come thursday for carols!!!!
    She is sooo excited Panto tomorrow with school , dvds today, Christmas meal and carols on thurs then Friday woo hoo break up time yipeee and we are all getting excited ooh then she is going to a birthday party on sat so busy busy busy

    yes your not on your own about thinkin of veggies and turkey we’ve ordered a crown , dont know what size it will be but veggies consist of carrots, brussels, spring greens, roasts,mash,parsnips and some chestnuts too !
    drooling already.

    re Stuart and the infamous hair today gone tomorrow i think it was The ancient Ram inn in gloucester , he had a tough time there where he felt he was dragged into a room by his legs
    and Derek promptly followed after him.
    i actually quite liked Yvettes hair short , she’s quite lucky really as most styles have suited her face.
    Love the Pendle hill ones one of my favs

    We adore the felines on here , i had one ages ago called Rory who i worshipped he was a black tom with white chest and he acted like a dog and was soo faithfull , we brought him in the city moved to the country where he got run over by a motorcycle !!!! i was heartbroken , and then my grey tom Flash went missing two and a half years ago and has never come back , so again heartbroken soo i make a fuss of my friends black cat Kofi when i can!but yeah love em, but i have my little guineas Fudge and Tina now so they keep me happy.

    A week today lads and lasses and counting
    enjoy the rest of today all


  13. Hi all, First i’d just like to give my sincere sorrow for Phil and his wife… I can not imagine what they must be going through, my heart goes out to them.

    I also want to express my utter horror at the killings of those poor innocent children in America…. It is unimaginable to me how someone could slaughter such babes in cold blood, to wipe out their lives, there is such wickedness in this world and it makes me ashamed to be part of the human race sometimes.

    I remember when a similar thing happened here in England about 15 yrs ago, my third eldest was in the same age group as the children that were killed in school, I couldn’t help imagining if it was me, dropping my child off at school and never seeing them alive again.. Something has to be done about the gun laws in America, they are so trigger happy over there, I hope Obama sorts it out.

    On a brighter note…. xmas is coming and my poor purse is getting thin !!! 🙁
    Did loads of wrapping last night, the lounge looked like Santa’s grotto !!! loved it !! 🙂
    Didn’t help when Mowgli appeared at the door for a drink of water…. i’ve not moved so quick for years, I jumped up and ushered her back upstairs in a panic, poor girl wondered what hit her !!!!….have to keep the magic alive at all costs !! 🙂

    @Claire…… AHA … so it was YOU who stole my sword was it ? I had to hid in my “round house” for hours until those pesky Romans went !!! 🙂

    I loved your link about the Skelli – lover …lol , I hate to imagine what sex acts she did with the bones !!! … there really are some weird people out there aren’t there, …I bet her boyfriend is skinny !!!!

    The french village of Bugarach….. OMG, just shows you how impressionable people are, I feel sorry for the poor chief of police, he’s worried sick that his village is going to be invaded on 21st, like he said, he has to try to keep his villagers safe….. good link.


    @Nikki, How’s it all going mate? 6 days of madness left…I lay in bed last night worrying about xmas dinner !!! what veggies to have, how long to cook turkey etc…… Mr Sceptic suggested a GOOSE this year……I suggested to him where to shove it !!!!! I love him really x

    Hope your little Nikki gets on well with her Carol service…have you had the privilege of the wonderous tone of the recorder over the last few months ? I remember my eldest daughter having a recorder exam….by gawd, she nearly blew my ear drums…. we had to sit there at home and listen while she gave us a ” recital ” it was painful but we managed to smile and clap and cheer in all the right places !!!

    I didn’t realise you were all cat lovers….I too have a feline buddy…he is 10 mnths old and his name is Reuben, he is jet black apart from a few white hairs on his chest….he’s also a randy little bugger who makes love to my arm, bed covers and most other things at his leisure !! We love him though, but I think a trip to the vets for a little op may be on the cards 🙂

    Watched MH at Pendle Hill this morning with dear old Derek….. oh I miss the good old days….Yvettes hair !!!… I have never known a woman to have so many hairstyles !!!!…. Stuart had hair too, he didn’t resemble uncle Fester at all . I heard that he lost his hair when he got really scared on a vigil….is that true ? and if so, does anyone know what one it was ?

    Ok folks, must go now, Mowgli’s last day at home….back to school tom I hope, she’s so much better…I really think she had a touch of the flu bless her, she was so poorley xxx

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